start.1477386016.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/25 11:00 by hh-edit


This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

start [2016/10/25 11:00]
hh-edit move: "DokuKrtek pimpen" auf eigene Seite
start [2016/11/26 11:56] (current)
hh-admin start:start => start:release:start
Line 1: Line 1:
-{{  :z_pub:dsci1390.jpg?60}} +/**********************************************
-====== Welcome: quod bovi non jovi ======+
-//Whatever one may see here: it's on your account. Vulgo: someone else might see something else - sometimes - and sometimes not. Anyway, everything should be as it should be (hopefully).//+INCLUSION INSTEAD OF REAL PAGE 
-<html><p style="margin: 1em; border-left: thin solid gray; padding-left: 1em; font-size: 0.9em; color:gray"><b>OK so, but is it real English what is written here and there?</b> -- No, it is the code for humans to interchange on the internet, based on English, but don't give us grades, please.</p></html>+**********************************************/
-===== Topics =====+{{page>start:release:start}}
-  * [[ |jQuery]]+/**********************************************
-<ifauth @admin,@fulledit>+BACKGROUND
-    [[: ToDo]] +  real page on top of DokuWiki (root dir) 
-      [[: hh: Arbeitssuche:]] +    makes ACL for images on that page 
-      * [[201610: 24: 10.58: |DokuKrtek pimpen]] +    cumbersome 
-    * **[[: Der neue alte Weg]]** +    inclusion from namespace allows 
-    Typenliste / -hierarchie (zum Nachschlagen) +      simple (public) ACL for that 
-      bzw. generell Objektlisten für Attribute und Werte +      namespace 
-      langfristig als Teil des (Editier-) Menüs+  * :start:start does not auto-replace 
 +    :start 